Community Projects

  • Friends of Twining Square

    Pennsylvania Ave. & 27th St., S.E.

    See PHOTOS of our progress

    Group work sessions are 4th Saturday of every month, 7am-noon, at Twining Square.
    Check the community calendar for the next work session and meeting. 

    On April 29, 2000, the National Park Service signed a 5-year agreement with 30+ area residents to work together to restore and maintain Twining Square. 
    Click to see more information about this project. 
    See status. 
    Contact Kathy Chamberlain at "kathychamberlain at starpower dot net" (encoded to discourage spamming) or just show up for a work session if you would like to participate.

  • Flower Garden at Firehouse

    Engine Co. 19, Pennsylvania Ave. & 28th Pl., S.E.

    Engine Co. 19 is a historical, attractive, and highly visible landmark located on one of the main corridors serving our neighborhoods. The garden was planted on May 13, 2000 as a demonstration of the community's concern for the appearance of the firehouse. 
    See more more information about the project.
    See old photos of the firehouse 
    See photos of the project

    THANK YOU, Garden Resources of Washington, for supporting this project

  • Welcome to Washington

    at Southern and Pennsylvania Ave., S.E.

    The Fort Davis Garden Club adopted this entrance to Washington, beautifying with flowers and landscaping, and a sign. Later, the Department of Public Works gave a helping hand, planting additional shrubs. The Fort Davis Garden Club is under the leadership of Lillian Chatmon, Elsie Frazier, Henrietta Wright, and Mildred Adams. 
    See PHOTOS.

  • Flower Garden

    at Ft. Baker Drive & W Streets, S.E.

    Hillcrest residents Kathy Chamberlain and Gladys Miller adopted this stretch of land, formerly a weedy area that attracted trash and litter. DC neighbors from as far away as Palisades, N.W. contributed plants. Others donated topsoil and labor. The Department of Public Works saved the garden by delivering water during the summer drought of '99. DPW and the National Park Service occasionally provide compost. 
    See PHOTOS.

  • Flower Garden

    at Branch Ave and Erie St., S.E.

    The corner of Branch Ave. and Erie St. SE has been adopted by Hillcrest residents Dorothy Anthony, Doris Davis and Elizabeth Dortch who have done wonders in reviving the garden and making the corner attractive again. The garden was originally planted in December 2001 by students from several universities in South Carolina as part of their "Semester in Washington" study program. They tilled the soil and planted spring bulbs and pansies. Dorothy, Doris, and Elizabeth took it over in the summer of 2002, planting annuals and perennials. 
    See PHOTOS.

  • 6th District Metropolitan Police Substation

    2701 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E.

    The Fort Davis Garden Club donated and planted over 20 azalea bushes around the substation. More recently, they planted a flower garden in the front, with pansies in the Fall and Spring and annuals in the summer. The Fort Davis Garden Club is under the leadership of Lillian Chatmon, Elsie Frazier, Henrietta Wright, and Mildred Adams. 
    See PHOTOS.

  • Flower Garden on Hillcrest Drive, S.E.

    Norman Neal planted and maintains this garden in a clearing in the woods along Hillcrest Drive, S.E. The garden was started in 1999. 
    See PHOTOS.

  • Penn-Branch Beautification Project

    Carpenter & O Streets, S.E.

    Plans are underway to refurbish the Community Garden at Carpenter & O Streets with new landscaping, flowers, and a community art sculpture.

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